KHアライメント・テスタ:JS9405.p108:ホイールアライメント (Wheel Alignment - 車QF - Yahoo!ブログ
KHアライメント・テスタ:JS9405.p108:ホイールアライメント (Wheel Alignment
その当時のKH氏も記事中で身近な業界で関心が少ない印象を書かれていた。 某県のSINでは
Wheel Alignment:Before measuring: 1. The lift shall be level including the turntables and roller plates. A difference left/right of 5mm on the level of a typical vehicle gives a fault of 10 on the Camber value. リフトはターンテーブルとローラ板を含め、(レベル)水平にしなけれ
2010/12/23(木) 午後 6:27 [ 車QF ]
ホイールアライメント・テスタ:Wheel Alignment:光学式:非接触式...
2013/7/7(日) 午後 5:06 [ 車QF ]
2010年12月14日の記事一覧 - 詳細表示 - Yahoo!ブログ. Actually it called Search engine optimisation that when i search for this post I found this web page at the top of all web pages in search engine.
2016/4/21(木) 午前 7:45 [ ]
2010/12/14(火) 午後 9:05返信する
I know our PSDs are known to have negative camber and eat up the inside of the front tires, but does anyone know how to help out this situation? Just replaced ball joint 10K miles ago and still doing so. Any help?
2010/12/14(火) 午後 11:00返信する
2010/12/14(火) 午後 11:03返信する
Where do you get them from? How do they work? Are they safe? What do those run for a set?
2010/12/14(火) 午後 11:17返信する
Where can you find camber bushings? Dealer, auto parts store?
2010/12/14(火) 午後 11:23返信する
2010/12/16(木) 午後 0:59返信する
2010/12/16(木) 午後 2:10返信する
Park the vehicle with the front wheels on the turntables (set to zero). Point the wheels straight ahead. An absolutely flat surface is needed for accurate measurement.
Attach the gauge to the right front wheel hub. Turn the steering wheel 20 degrees right. Level the gauge and set it to 0 degrees.
2010/12/16(木) 午後 2:12返信する
Turn the steering wheel left until you reach a reading of 20 degrees in the opposite direction for a total of 40 degrees.
Hold the gauge at a 90-degree angle and the reading will be your caster angle for the right wheel.
2010/12/16(木) 午後 2:13返信する
Attach the gauge to the left front wheel hub while the wheels are still set to 20 degrees left.
Turn the steering wheel right until the wheel is turned 20 degrees right of straight ahead (turning 40 degrees total).
Hold the gauge at a 90-degree angle and the reading will be your caster angle for the left wheel.
2010/12/16(木) 午後 2:14返信する
2010/12/16(木) 午後 7:08返信する
[1] Matschinsky, W.: Radf??hrungen der Stra??enfahrzeuge.
Berlin, Springer, 1998
[2] Matschinsky, W.: Bestimmung mechanischer Kenngr????en
von Radaufh??ngungen. Universit??t Hannover,
Dissertation, 1992
2010/12/16(木) 午後 7:13返信する
[3] Albers, I.: Erstellung eines Berechnungstools zur
starrkinematischen Analyse von Einzelradaufh??ngungen.
Rheinisch-Westf??lische Technische Hochschule
Aachen, Diplomarbeit, 2003
[4] Wittenburg, J.: Dynamics of systems of rigid bodies.
Stuttgart, Teubner, 1977
[5] Weisstein, E. W.: Euler Angles. Mathworld, A Wolfram
Web Resource, 1999
2010/12/16(木) 午後 7:14返信する
[1] T. D. Gillespie, “Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics ”, Society of
Automotive Engineers. Inc Warrendale, PA – 1992.
[2] Suh and Redcliff, “ Kinematics Design of Mechanisms ”, John Wiley
and Sons, New York, 1978.
[3] M. Modak et all, “Electronic Measurements System for Torsionally
Flexible Clutch”, Vibro engineering ‘98’, IFToMM Speciality
Symposium University of Kanvaus, Lithunta.
2010/12/16(木) 午後 9:35返信する
[4] Denavit and Hertenberg, “A Kinematic Notation for Lower Pair
Mechanisms Based on Matrices ”, A.S.M.E. transaction, Journal of
Applied Mechanics June 1955, PP 215-221.
[5] H Sharek. Jr., “Theory of Engineering Experimentation”, Mc Graw Hill,
1961, First Edition.
[6] Prof. Dr. Georg Rill, “Vehicle Dynamics”, Fachhochschule
Regensburg, University of Applied Sciences, Hochschule for Technik
Wrtschaft Soziales.
2010/12/16(木) 午後 9:38返信する
[7] K. S. Fu, R. C. Gonzalez, C. C. G. Lee, “Robotics: Control Sensing,
Vision and Intelligence”, Mc Graw Hill Internation Edition, Signapore.
2010/12/16(木) 午後 9:39返信する
Caster Theory in design of Smart Vehicles. Introducing the screw theory, I have presented the required equations to calculate the camber angle based on caster and lean angles of a steerable wheel as a function of steer angle. So, we are able to design a smart vehicle to control the lateral force by varying the caster angle, independent of the input steer angle by the driver. The method can be used to increase safety of street cars, and maximize the cornering response of sport cars.
2010/12/17(金) 午前 4:49返信する
Jazar, Reza N., Khazaei A., Mahinfalah M., Nazari, G.H., Caster-Camber Relationship, IMECE2009-11394, Thursday, November 19, 2009, 02:45 PM-04:15 PM, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, November 13-19, 2009.;ID=7acyl02x9g7h
2010/12/17(金) 午前 4:51返信する
The above responses are basically correct, but the terminology is a bit mixed up. Here's a diagram which will help:
Of course, trail isn't the only thing to consider. Steering characteristics are much more nuanced. For instance, a road bike with a 72* head angle and 50mm of fork rake has the same trail as a track bike with a 75* angle and 32mm of rake, but obviously will handle very differently.
2010/12/17(金) 午前 4:59返信する
But for us regular folks, trail is the thing we can wrap our pea-brains around, and is in fact the dominant factor affecting at least straight line stability.
Beyond that the math gets kind of sticky. (BTW I used the kreuzotter site to come up with my example. Pretty slick calculator.)
I should come up with a signature line.
2010/12/17(金) 午前 5:00返信する
Alignment Angles Explained, [accessed on line 25/03/2003],
All Wheel Alignment & Brake Service, [accessed on line 18/03/2003],
2010/12/17(金) 午前 7:47返信する
Basic Wheel Alignment Fundamentals, Colorado, USA [accessed on line 15/03/2003],
Beckman, B., 2002, Bumps in the Road, [accessed on line 5/10/2003],
2010/12/17(金) 午前 7:48返信する
Steering Geometry
The idea of steering the front wheels around separate axes was invented in 1817 by a Munich carriage builder named Lankensperger. His agent, a fellow by the name of Rudolph Ackerman, took out an English patent on the invention. Later in 1878, a French carriage builder, Charles Jeantaud, introduced a refinement known as the "Jeantaud Diagram" which provided a more precise prediction of the correct geometry.
2010/12/17(金) 午前 8:46返信する
2010/12/17(金) 午前 10:11返信する
Introduction for sphere in cartesian coordinates:
Sphere in polar coordinates is also called as spherical polar coordinates and its a three dimensional coordinates space.Sphere polar coordinates consist of radius distance(r), the polar angle which is (θ) and the third parameter is a azimuthal angle(Φ).
2011/1/6(木) 午前 3:06返信する
In this article we are going to solve about Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates conversion and the sphere polar coordinates to Cartesian conversion.
2011/1/6(木) 午前 3:07返信する
Sphere in Cartesian Coordinates:
Sphere in cartesian coordinates we have the formula to convert the sphere polar coordinates into Cartesian and vice versa.The above formula mentioned above are as follow.
To convert the spherical into Cartesian coordinates:
2011/1/6(木) 午前 3:08返信する
To convert given sphere coordinates (r,θ,Φ) into the Cartesian coordinates (x, y,z) with the help of formula, given below.
x= r cos(θ)sin(Φ)
y= r sin(θ)sin(Φ)
z= r cos (θ)
2011/1/6(木) 午前 3:09返信する
To convert the Cartesian into spherical coordinates:
To convert given Cartesian coordinates (x, y,z) are converted to the sphere polar coordinates (r,θ,Φ) with the help of formula, given below.
r = SQUARE-ROOT(x^2+y^"+z^2)
θ = tan-1 (y/x)
Φ = cos-1(x/r)
2011/1/6(木) 午前 3:29返信する
2011/1/6(木) 午前 6:21返信する
この図のように角運動量ベクトルの 軸に対する角度 が 制限を受けることを「方向量子化」という。 しかしこれは、 が伝統的に「方位量子数 ( azimuthal quantum number )」と呼ばれていることとは関係ない。 角度 は「極角(polar angle)」と呼ばれており、 「方位角 (azimuth)」というのは通常 のことを表している。 この点からしても、これらを結び付けるのは無理があるだろう。
2011/1/6(木) 午前 6:45返信する
方位角(ほういかく、英: azimuth)とは、ある方向と基準となる方向との間の角の角度で、方向を数値で表す場合の水平成分である。
右手系では東を基準方位とし反時計回りを正の角度とする.左手系では北を基準方位とし時計回りを正の角度とする.また南を基準方位とする左手系の定義例も僅かに存在する. この左手系の使用は測量や航法などの分野に限れば標準的だが、一般的には(すなわち他の多くの分野においては)非推奨とされている。 経度・緯度の順序についても似た事情が存在する.
2011/1/6(木) 午前 6:50返信する
2011/1/6(木) 午前 6:56返信する
OP=r、∠XOP=θ ( θ は弧度法)
平面上の点Pが極座標(r,θ)によって表されるとき、∠XOPの大きさ θ を偏角という。
偏角 θ は弧度法で表す。
2011/1/6(木) 午前 7:01返信する
OP=r、∠XOP=θ ( θ は弧度法)
2011/1/6(木) 午前 7:02返信する
2011/1/6(木) 午前 8:33返信する
Trakrite Wheel Alignment Gauge
Welcome Unregistered to the Mini Cooper Register Forums.
If you have any questions, queries or suggestions then please use the new forum (Forum Help and questions) we have established in the Off Topic section.
2011/1/7(金) 午前 6:39返信する
If you have had cause to change your email address, can you please check that the email we have recorded in the forum is the same as the one you are currently using. If for instance you can't get in and request a new password the email goes to the address we hold in the forum, probably the one you originally registered under. To check your email address go to the 'User CP' and then on the left hand side there is an option 'Edit email and password' Thanks
2011/1/7(金) 午前 6:39返信する
Hello all,has anyone had experience with the above tracking gauge?
Especially in the motorway services on the way to scrutineering in Hull.
2011/1/7(金) 午前 6:41返信する
they tell your how much error your wheel has, but not the actual wheel alignment. When you consider most tyres places will do a wheel alignment 'check' for free, I think they're expensive really, and the Minispares tracking gauge is probably a more useful tool for the money.
2011/1/7(金) 午前 6:42返信する
It doe`s not display degrees of toe in or out?
it only displays the error in toe in/toe out, Which is what it says in Gunsons own literature.
so you would have to check it, jack the car, adjust the tracking a little, then drive over it again, and then jack it and adjust the tracking again....
and as i said Kwik-fit etc 'check' your tracking for free anyway. they only charge to actually adjust it.
2011/1/7(金) 午前 6:44返信する
The new John Bean V3D 3 ARAGO Alignment System takes wheel alignment equipment to the next generation.
The V3D 3 ARAGO advances "Error-Free" alignment technology with the use of 3 Self-Synchronizing Digital cameras and Automatic Height Indexing.
2011/1/7(金) 午前 6:53返信する
This technology provides the ultimate performance in fast, easy and accurate alignments while minimizing the possibilities of errors due to operator and vehicle variables.
We have an extensive alignment database covering virtually all european ,grey import cars, van, 4x4 etc along with the ability to create alignment specifications to a customers personal requirements wether for road or track use.
2011/1/7(金) 午前 6:53返信する
Wheel Alignment
We Align Any Vehicle & Excel in the Ordinary and Extraordinary!
All Autos - Jauguars, Audi, BMW. Mercedes, etc.
All Pickups - Lifted / Lowered, 4WD, 2WD
All RV's & Motorhomes - Big & Small
Trailer Axles - Any Size!
Here at All Wheel, we take pride in stating that we align any kind of vehicle with perfection. We specialize from the normal everyday car to the exotic.
2011/1/7(金) 午前 6:58返信する
We understand that it is the little things that make a perfect Wheel alignment. It all starts with the proper equipment & know-how. A vehicle road test and inspection is very important to insure a job done right. It is our duty to insure that your tires will get the maximum life & that your vehicle handles the way it should. Whether it be your old VW Bug, Honda, Jaguar, Cadillac, 4x4 Pick up, Motorhome, Trailer, or Semi truck it must be perfect. Don't settle for less!
2011/1/7(金) 午前 7:00返信する
Wheel alignment technology advances continuously with the introduction of new makes and models of vehicles. Two wheel alignment is quickly becoming obsolete and four wheel alignment is rapidly being incorporated on many of the new models.
2011/1/7(金) 午前 7:01返信する
With the technology being incorporated in the newer vehicles, it's not just the front tires which steer the vehicle. Some manufacturers now use four wheel steering and complex electronic suspensions. Specific procedures must be followed to ensure proper wheel alignment.
2011/1/7(金) 午前 7:02返信する
With today's computerized vehicle systems, improperly aligned wheels can effect engine performance, ride, tire wear, steering and premature component failure.
Wheel alignment is the proper adjustment of ALL the interrelated suspension angles. In alignment terminology, these adjustment angles are called caster, camber, toe-in, steering axis inclination (SAI), vehicle ride height and toe-out on turns.
2011/1/7(金) 午前 7:03返信する
Camber: the inward or outward tilt of the wheel measured from top to bottom. Camber is adjusted to prevent excessive tire wear and to enhance straight ahead stability. It is measured in degrees and has several methods of adjustment.
2011/1/7(金) 午前 7:04返信する
Toe: is the difference in the distance measured on any axle between the leading edges and trailing edges of the wheel and tire assemblies at spindle height. This is the most critical tire wearing angle. The angle formed by a horizontal line through the plane of one wheel versus a centerline is called the individual toe.
2011/1/7(金) 午前 7:05返信する
Individual Toe: When a horizontal line is drawn through the plane of each wheel, and they intersect in front of the wheels, this is called toe-in or positive (+0 toe. When they intersect behind the wheels, this is called toe-out, or negative (-) toe.
2011/1/7(金) 午前 7:06返信する
Caster: forward or rearward tilt of the steering knuckle pivot points, is also called the steering axis. Caster is measured in degrees, from the steering axis to vertical, as viewed from the side. It is computed in degrees by looking at the camber change of each wheel through a specified steer. There are three types of caster settings.
2011/1/7(金) 午前 7:07返信する
Positive caster angle is when the top of the steering axis it tilted rearward. Negative caster angle is when the top of the steering axis is tilted forward. Negative caster can cause difficulty in returning out of a turn and wandering & weaving at high speeds. If the vehicle has unequal caster, it can cause the vehicle to pull from side to side. And zero degree caster is when the top of the steering axis is exactly vertical.
2011/1/7(金) 午前 7:07返信する
Set-Back: Front wheel set-back is the angle formed between the geometric centerline and a line perpendicular to the front axle. It is measured in degrees. Excessive set-back is normally created by frame or chassis errors. These errors are brought about in most cases by front end collision and in some cases by a manufacturing tolerance error. On cars designed with engine cradles, the cradle placement will affect set-back. If the cradle isn't square with the chassis, it must be straightened.
2011/1/7(金) 午前 7:08返信する
Set-back, if extreme, could bring about adverse handling effects, along with incorrect alignment measurement if overlooked. This may cause the vehicle to lead to the side where set-back exists; also a pull during braking can occur. On FWD vehicles it can also cause increased torque steer.
2011/1/7(金) 午前 7:09返信する
Thrust Angle: is the angle formed by the thrust line and the geometric centerline. The geometric centerline is a line drawn between the mid-point of the front axle and the mid-point of the rear axle.
When toe is off on either of the rear wheels, it creates a thrust angle that causes rear axle steer. The thrust line dictates the position of the front wheels when driving straight ahead. It is therefore the most accurate reference when measuring or adjusting the front wheels.
2011/1/7(金) 午前 7:10返信する
Inspection of the tires can help in diagnosing some wheel alignment failures. The tire wear patterns associated with improper alignment include single shoulder wear, cupping and feather edging.
Thrust Angle
Click Image to Zoom In!
2011/1/7(金) 午前 7:11返信する
Proper tire pressure is essential along with proper wheel alignment for extended tire wear. The correct pressure not only allows tires to perform at the standard for which they were designed, but is directly related to ride height. Remember that cold tires will register a slightly lower pressure than tires that are warm for usage. Tires with low pressure will wear both outer edges. Over inflation will wear the center of the tires.
2011/1/7(金) 午前 7:11返信する
実はその左右差【ゼロ】というのが一番大事なことであって、本格的ホイール アライメント調整作業でも【左右差ゼロ】を優先して作業を行うのです。 細かく何度、 何分と知る必要があれば次の方法で測定します。 ...
2011/1/11(火) 午後 6:07返信するホイールアライメント測定方法/disp-A,2010-48718.html
アライメント テスター事情
2011/1/11(火) 午後 7:14返信する
天才アライメントテスター完成 - みんカラ - カービュー › みんカラ+ › Tryforce company
2012/06/22 - 「天才アライメントテスター完成(^^)」について - Tryforce company のブログです。 Powered by みんカラ.
2013/7/7(日) 午後 4:49返信する
2013/7/7(日) 午後 4:57返信する