イメージ 1

A new V-6 3.5-liter gasoline engine (2GR-FSE) uses a
newly developed stoichiometric direct injection system
with two fuel injectors in each cylinder (D-4S: Direct
injection 4-stroke gasoline engine system Superior
version). One is a direct injection injector generating a
dual-fan-shaped spray with wide dispersion, while the
other is a port injector. With this system, the engine
achieves a power level among the highest for production
engines of this displacement and a fuel economy rating
of 24mpg on the EPA cycle. Emissions are among the
lowest level for this class of sedans, meeting Ultra Low
Emission Vehicle standards (ULEV-II).

The dual-fan-shaped spray was adopted to improve full-
load performance. The new spray promotes a
homogeneous mixture without any devices to generate
intense in-cylinder air-motion at lower engine speeds.
For this reason the engine has improved volumetric
efficiency compared to engines having these charge
motion devices, resulting in improved full-load
performance throughout the engine speed range.
Together with Dual VVT-i (Variable intake and exhaust
Valve Timing intelligence), the engine achieves specific
power near the top of all naturally aspirated production
gasoline engines in the world: 66kW/L, 228kW at
Fuel economy is improved compared to a conventional
DISI engine with both injectors optimized to improve
combustion. As for improvement of the exhaust
emissions, simultaneous injection by the two injectors is
effective in reduction of HC emissions during cold start.

The requirements of reduced emissions and enhanced
driving comfort are critical for modern automobiles.
Several automobile manufacturers have introduced
direct-injection spark-ignition (DISI) engines to the
worldwide markets. Initially, DISI engines utilized
stratified operations to improve fuel consumption. As the
emission regulations have become more stringent, DISI
engines have changed to utilize stoichiometric
operations to meet emission regulations. The reason is
that stoichiometric DISI engines have several
advantages over port fuel injection (PFI) engines. These
advantages of DISI engines are higher full-load
performance, reduced emissions such as THC, NOx and
CO emissions and better fuel economy i.e. CO2
emissions [1-3].
Concerning full-load performance, it was reported that
the fuel latent heat can be utilized to reduce the intake
charge temperature. DISI engines exhibit improved full-
load performance by injected fuel evaporation that uses
thermal energy inside the cylinder; this results in DISI
engines demonstrating higher volumetric efficiency (
and lower knocking tendencies [4-8]. Several studies
investigating the benefit of volumetric efficiency that a
DISI engine gains through fuel latent heat have been
conducted. They found that volumetric efficiency of a
DISI engine is higher by approximately 2-3% compared
to an equivalent port fuel injection (PFI) engine [4-8].
They report that through charge cooling by fuel
evaporation a DISI engine can obtain a higher
compression ratio by approximately 1-2 points [8].
Higher volumetric efficiency and lower knocking
tendencies bring a DISI engine higher torque and power
output. It was reported that torque can increase across a
wide speed range by approximately 5-10% [7].

As for emissions performance, a DISI engine can utilize
stratified charge combustion and an intense turbulence
generated by the spray injected at the end of the
compression stroke during the catalyst warm-up phase;
this enables stable combustion at highly retarded ignition
timing, which significantly improves the warm-up speed
of the catalyst. It was observed that the increase of the
catalyst temperature for a DISI engine compared to an
equivalent PFI engine is approximately 500 °C [1], that
results in a decrease in THC emissions.
For a stoichiometric DISI engine, suppressing knock
improves fuel economy. The DISI engine achieves better
fuel consumption than an equivalent PFI engine due to
reduced knocking tendency that enables higher
compression ratios of approximately a 1-2 point increase









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clonidine ‏ @clonidine25 返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録 · 開く 

@kazu_fujisawa @ikedanob @hronishi @hongokucho かつて松任谷由美が聖地と唄ったカトマンドゥだが、経済成長に伴う大気汚染がひどく、外出時のマスクが必須。インド圏の工業化が原発なしで進めば、かなりの数の子供が呼吸器疾患で亡くなるだろう。
Kazuki Fujisawaさんへの返信 

2012/3/17(土) 午後 7:59ogw*og*2



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シリアの首都で爆発、死傷者も 治安施設近く - 東京新聞: 【カイロ共同】シリア国営テレビによると、首都ダマスカスの治安施設2カ所の近くで17日、大きな爆発があった。死傷者が出ているという。同テレ……
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2012/3/17(土) 午後 8:01ogw*og*2



孫正義 ‏ @masason 返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録 · 開く 

全くそう思う。この件こそ国民投票すべきなのではないだろうか?少なくとも次の総選挙で各候補者や政党はマニュフェストで明確にすべき。 RT @MakoArai: 原発に関しては国土全部が地元だと思って欲しい。
乙武 洋匡 ‏ @h_ototake 返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録 · 開く 

急に引き返す気がしてきた…(´Д`) RT @YOSHImi_OTOco: 日頃の行いが正しければ、ちゃんと到着しますよ、きっと( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリ RT @h_ototake: 熊本行きの便、「視界不良のため、福岡空港に着陸するか、伊丹空港に引き返す可能性があります」とのこと。

2012/3/17(土) 午後 8:02ogw*og*2



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ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル日本版 ‏ @WSJJapan 返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録 · 開く 

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2012/3/17(土) 午後 8:05ogw*og*2




Technical information on the Toyota D-4S system

2013/8/24(土) 午後 7:15ogw*og*2



Yes, patents can be a good source. You have to do some digging.

The patent you attached mostly covers shut down determination logic for fuel pressure control. When the ECU judges that the engine is about to shut down, it lowers fuel pressure.

2013/8/24(土) 午後 7:18ogw*og*2



This reduces the peak fuel pressure during the following heat soak period, which then reduces the amount of fuel leaking from the injector.

There are some basic diagrams covering fuel pressure target. It's based on requested engine torque--no surprises there.

2013/8/24(土) 午後 7:18ogw*og*2



Here you have engine speed on the X axis, torque request on the Y axis, and then target fuel pressure zones. 1 MPa = 10bar . This is certainly not the late D-4S fuel system with PFI + GDI simultaneous injection. It may not even be for a Toyota application. There are references to stratified combustion judgment and dual injection pulse judgment. It's possible this could be used on the 4GR-FSE (IS250 engine).

2013/8/24(土) 午後 7:24ogw*og*2



There are no diagrams showing how the spill valve timing syncs with the crank and cam position signals, and how that relates to injection timing calculations.

2013/8/24(土) 午後 7:26ogw*og*2



yes, that document was cited as an example. The ones dated 2008 by denso (around 12 of them) relate to the d4s as used in the IS-F (same components as FR). They go deeper into the scientific and mathemtic workings of them system, but dont delve to deep into pump timing and demand, well the ones i have studied thus far

2013/8/24(土) 午後 7:28ogw*og*2



Lurker, why does the pressure stroke need to occur when all injectors are closed?

The pump timing doesn't seem to have (or need) a direct relationship to injection timing.

My guess is: based on the Tq_requested vs Ne table, there is a target rail pressure that dictates the total on-time of the spill control valve (note: the timing at which the valve is energized remains constant, while the timing at which the valve is de-energized varies to control the fuel delivery volume).

2013/8/24(土) 午後 7:29ogw*og*2



I would think this is a closed loop system, where a pressure sensor on the rail sends current rail pressure info to ECU, which compares this to the target fuel pressure based on Tq_requested and Ne. If current rail pressure is lower than target fuel pressure, extend the spill control valve on-time. Then read current rail pressure again and this becomes a repeating feedback, response, feedback, response, etc. loop.

2013/8/24(土) 午後 7:30ogw*og*2



Your describing the very basic fundementals of the fuel system..
i.e. ECU demands higher fuel pressure, EDU controls pump to supply higher fuel pressure.

What I am talking about is the actual Control of the Pump. This pump isnt simply switched on or off when fuel pressure is needed at the rail.

Control of this pump is via a spill valve.

2013/8/24(土) 午後 7:32ogw*og*2



The spill Valve can only be activated during a certain window of time during each revolution of the camshaft. The spill valve on/off condition determines if 

a. Fuel is Drawn into the pump
b. Fuel is fed to the Rail.

2013/8/24(土) 午後 7:32ogw*og*2



In the Diagram above ive tried to make this a bit clearer.

The plunger in the pump moves up and down in a cordance with the lobes on the cam shaft.

During each revolution of the cam there is a certain window marked as X to Y in which a change of condition for the spill valve (to off) allows fuel to be sent to the rail. The spill valve off condition is met for a total of Z degrees

Now the only inputs the EDU recieves from the ECU are Injector control and Fuel pressure demand.

2013/8/24(土) 午後 7:33ogw*og*2



So in order to control the pump spill valve without any cam position information is via injector timing/opening/closing (the only information the EDU gets from the ECU) which would have a relation to cam position.

So in order to get the pump to function correctly, we must get the DI injector control as accurate as factory.

unless someone can correct me and say the have scoped the ECU or EDU and the Denso HPF pump has this switching inbuilt...

2013/8/24(土) 午後 7:34ogw*og*2



Most of Toyota's DI engines use D4-S, the 4GR-FSE in the IS250 is the only engine they sell in North America with D4 and not D4-S. (The 3GR-FSE was also only D4, but it was only used here for a couple of years).

2013/8/24(土) 午後 7:43ogw*og*2



D4-S is currently Toyota is doing DI in newly developed engines. The 4GR-FSE hasn't gotten it yet, and I doubt it will, but who knows. Maybe if they keep using the 4GR in the 3IS they'll change it, but in the 4GS, the 4GR-FSE is still D4 only, not D4-S.


Read more:

2013/8/24(土) 午後 7:43ogw*og*2

閉じる トラックバック(3)



TO:D4S:2GR-FSE:-2 A DISI engine, however, has a disadvantage in forming a homogeneous air-fuel mixture in the cylinder because of a lack of time to form a homogeneous mix

2012/3/15(木) 午前 8:54 [ CQF ]


TO:D4S:2GR-FSE:-3 In order to compare effects on full-load performance between a high flow efficiency and a high tumble intake- port, the swirl control valve (SCV) was rem

2012/3/15(木) 午前 8:59 [ CQF ]



2012/3/15(木) 午前 10:36 [ 車QF ]
