材料:レアメタル:Co:cobalt:Nd:ネオジム(英: neodymium、独: Neodym)

材料:レアメタル:Co:cobalt:Nd:ネオジム(英: neodymium、独: Neodym) - CQF - Yahoo!ブログ

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材料:レアメタル:Co:cobalt:Nd:ネオジム(英: neodymium、独: Neodym)








コバルト(純度99・3%)はポンド13・7ドルへと5カ月連続で上昇。車載用などが本格的に立ち上がってきたリチウムイオン電池需要を背景に、1年4カ月ぶりの高値を付けている。「中国の顔料市場で在庫余剰気味になってきた」(レアメタル商社)とも言われるが、レアメタル中では最も値動きが安定している。 ...

更新日: 2016年12月9日


2018/1/13(土) 午後 2:17ogw*og*3 ]返信する




2016年08月23日 | 社会・経済


2018/1/13(土) 午後 2:21ogw*og*3 ]返信する





2018/1/13(土) 午後 2:26ogw*og*3 ]返信する



リチウムイオン電池などの二次電池の材料として使われる量が一番多い。他に特殊鋼や磁石の材料にも使われる。ニッケルの副産物として生産されるためニッケル生産の影響を受けやすい。生産はコンゴ民主共和国(DRC)が約50%を占め、供給に不安がある。需要は、中国と日本がそれぞれ約3割づつ。生産はおよそ年間5万トン強。市場規模が小さく、Metal Bulletinという雑誌に載る地金価格が価格指標になっているが、2010年にLME(ロンドン金属取引所)でコバルトの取引が開始されている。削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 2:27ogw*og*3 ]返信する内緒



コバルト EV普及の壁 
国際価格、3倍以上に上昇 銅の副産物、急な増産できず 

2018/1/12付日本経済新聞 朝刊
保存 共有 その他


2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:01ogw*og*3 ]返信する



Danielle Bochove
2017年11月1日 11:58 JST



2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:04ogw*og*3 ]返信する




2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:04ogw*og*3 ]返信する



コバルトのコールマン地区にある元採掘場Photographer: Cole Burston/Bloomberg


2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:06ogw*og*3 ]返信する内緒




2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:06ogw*og*3 ]返信する




原題:Ghost Town of Cobalt Gets First Jolt From Tesla’s Electric Cars(抜粋)削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:07ogw*og*3 ]返信する内緒



Ghost town of Cobalt gets first jolt from Tesla’s electric cars




2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:09ogw*og*3 ]返信する



ORONTO – Ironically, Cobalt, Ontario – population 1,100 – was built on silver.
Remnants of a boom that transformed the town more than a century ago are everywhere. A mine headframe still protrudes from the roof of the bookstore, which was previously a grocery. The butcher used to toss unwanted bones down an abandoned 350-foot shaft in the middle of the shop floor and keep meat cool in its lowered mine cage.削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:09ogw*og*3 ]返信する



While the last silver mines closed almost 30 years ago, a global push for the village’s namesake metal is promising to breathe new life into the sleepy town 500 km north of Toronto. The whitish element (which “blooms” pink when exposed to air) was initially ignored by the area’s prospectors and later mined mainly as a by-product of silver. Now, global demand for cobalt, a component in batteries used to power electric cars for automakers from Tesla to Volkswagen, is changing the game.削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:11ogw*og*3 ]返信する



Call it a cobalt rush in Cobalt.

“This area’s seen more airborne surveys in the last year than in the last hundred,” said Gino Chitaroni, a local prospector and geologist. “Two years ago, if you had a cobalt property you couldn’t give it away. All of a sudden, within six months, everything changed.”削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:12ogw*og*3 ]返信する



Cobalt, both the town and the metal, are attracting renewed attention as a buffer to rising political risks in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which accounted for more than half the world’s 123 000-ton production in 2016, according to Natural Resources Canada. China and Canada were a distant second and third, each contributing roughly 6% of supply, followed by Russia and Australia.削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:13ogw*og*3 ]返信する



But as concerns grow about country risk in the DRC, even as demand swells, those smaller players stand to benefit.

“Anybody who has cobalt outside the DRC is in a better situation because carmakers are very worried about their supply chains,” said Roger Bell, director of mining research at Hannam & Parters in London. Bell believes the amount of cobalt being used in electric cars could easily double in the next eight to 15 years.削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:14ogw*og*3 ]返信する



“Even in the most conservative assumptions, you’re looking at maybe a 20% gap between supply and demand for cobalt by 2025.”
Stock investors betting on cobalt are already benefiting. First Cobalt Corp., a Canadian miner exploring in the Cobalt area, has soared 90% this year. Cobalt 27 Capital, another miner based in British Columbia, has jumped almost 600%. Neither company has any revenue.削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:14ogw*og*3 ]返信する



The heightened interest in the metal is evident in Cobalt. Earlier this month, two dozen investors, bankers and hedge fund managers from as far away as Shanghai boarded a chartered plane and then a bus from Toronto through the autumnal splendour of Ontario’s boreal forest. Their host was First Cobalt, a Vancouver-based miner that recently abandoned the Congo in order to secure more land around Cobalt’s old mining camp.削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:15ogw*og*3 ]返信する



“We’ve got some of the biggest resource companies in the world interested,” said Trent Mell, First Cobalt’s CEO, fresh from eight weeks of travel through the US, Europe, Australia and Asia pitching his company to investors.
Given that early prospectors more or less tripped over the abundant silver deposits, the area is largely a blank slate when it comes to proper exploration, he said.削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:16ogw*og*3 ]返信する



Although cobalt was later extracted from the area, notably by Toronto-based Agnico Eagle Mines until the late 1980s, Mell believes much remains undiscovered, particularly at the site of failed silver mines. 

Both metals are even part of Agnico’s name, which comes from the periodic table symbols for silver (Ag), nickel (Ni) and cobalt (Co).削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:17ogw*og*3 ]返信する



Yet it was silver that first drew prospectors to Cobalt 115 years ago. Contractors looking for lumber to expand the Canadian railroad discovered visible silver in the loose rock. Within two years, 600 prospecting licences had been issued and by 1907, that had swelled to almost 10 000, according to records housed in the Cobalt Mining Museum.削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:18ogw*og*3 ]返信する



The newly born town was simultaneously cosmopolitan and raucous: while mine owners enjoyed an opera house and a gentlemen’s club, their employees let off steam at “blind pigs,” illegal watering holes named for the unfortunate animals on which bootlegged alcohol was tested.削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:19ogw*og*3 ]返信する内緒



Fortunes were made with little mining expertise because rich silver deposits lay so close to surface. In 1911 alone, more than 31.5-million ounces of silver were pulled out of the “camp,” roughly one-eighth of the world’s production, according to a book on the area written by historian Doug Baldwin.削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:20ogw*og*3 ]返信する



Speaking to Toronto’s Empire Club in 1909, the book recounts, Reverend Cannon Tucker told of a widely travelled American who, asked where Toronto was, replied: “Oh yes, that is the place where you change trains for Cobalt.”削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:20ogw*og*3 ]返信する



Today, the remains of those heady days are still visible in the crumbled foundations, capped mine shafts and piles of waste rock scattered in back yards throughout the town. More than 420-million ounces of silver came out of the Cobalt camp during its first 60 years and the town is built on a “honeycomb” of old mining tunnels and trenches, according to its mayor, Tina Sartoretto.削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:21ogw*og*3 ]返信する



“The main road coming into town caved in a few years ago,” she said during a driving tour of the town. Inhabitants can’t drink the water in nearby Cobalt Lake, and a shaft in the disused public school was only recently capped. “The town is built on old mining residue.”削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:22ogw*og*3 ]返信する



Sartoretto is hoping the renewed demand for cobalt will inject some economic life into her impoverished town. With no industrial base to speak of, the town struggles to survive on legacy endowments from past silver and cobalt miners Agnico and Teck Resources.削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:23ogw*og*3 ]返信する



Sartoretto’s hope is that future mining will include plans for sustainable economic development tied to the metal. “If you were producing cobalt here, it would be nice if you could produce batteries here,” she said.削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 5:23ogw*og*3 ]返信する内緒



Depending on how First Cobalt’s exploration unfolds, the landscape in and around the town could be altered yet again. The company’s vision is for at least one open pit mine over a kilometer wide, said Frank Santaguida, First Cobalt’s VP of exploration.削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 6:03ogw*og*3 ]返信する



“Someday, that hill will likely be an openpit,” Chitaroni predicted, pointing to the far side of Cobalt Lake, where previously mined rock looms over a baseball diamond. The land currently belongs to Agnico, which hasn’t mined the area since 1989. “I wish they’d get proactive and drill off the damn thing.”削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 6:04ogw*og*3 ]返信する



The Toronto-based company, which is focused on gold, does remediation in the area and has no plans for exploration, said Dale Coffin, an Agnico spokesperson.
Where Agnico doesn’t have claims, interest is building. Prospectors regularly come into the bookstore, hoping to discover old mine maps and surveys. Chitaroni is always on hand to tick off the advantages of Cobalt compared with more remote mining jurisdictions, including access to power, hydro and expertise.削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 6:04ogw*og*3 ]返信する



“We call it Tim Hortons’s exploration,” he said, referring to the convenience of the ubiquitous Canadian doughnut-and-coffee chain, which has a store near Cobalt. “If you’ve got a breakdown, in half an hour, I’ve got parts. Try doing that in the Congo.” 

2018/1/13(土) 午後 6:05ogw*og*3 ]返信する



東京新聞:コバルト、子どもが採掘 コンゴ劣悪環境 リチウムイオン電池で ...
www.tokyo-np.co.jp › 経済 › 紙面から › 10月の記事一覧
2017/10/04 - 世界的に電気自動車(EV)やスマートフォンの普及が進む中、バッテリー用リチウムイオン電池の材料となる鉱物「コバルト」の需要が高まっている。だが、世界最大の産地であるアフリカ中部のコンゴ(旧ザイール)では、劣悪な環境で子どもも採掘に動員されている。人権団体は同国や関係企業に、住民の生活を改善するよう訴えている。 (妹尾聡太). 「鉱物を売ることは貧しい村の生命線。大人たちは『わが子が病気になっても治療できない。コバルトを買ってくれることが重要だ』と訴えていた」。二〇一五 ...削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 6:06ogw*og*3 ]返信する



詳細リスク評価書(コバルト及びその化合物) - 厚生労働省
3. ② 発がん性以外の有害性. ○ 急性毒性:. 金属コバルト 吸入毒性:LC. 50= 10 mg/l(1時間・ラット). 経口毒性:LD. 50=6171~8610 mg/kg bw(ラット). 塩化コバルト 経口毒性:LD. 50= 80 mg/kg bw(マウス). LD. 50=42.2~418 mg/kg bw(ラット). LD. 50=55~80 mg/kg bw(モルモット). 硫酸コバルト 経口毒性:LD. 50=123~584 mg/kg bw(マウス). LD. 50=418~768 mg/kg bw(ラット). 主な影響:腹痛、下痢、吐き気、嘔吐。 ○ 皮膚感作性:あり。 アレルギー性接触皮膚炎等。 ○ 呼吸器感作性:あり。削除

2018/1/13(土) 午後 6:07ogw*og*3 ]返信する



Investing in Neodymium and Rare Earth Metals
It's not so easy.



2018/2/21(水) 午前 8:51ogw*og*3 ]返信する



Toyota develops first neodymium-reduced, heat-resistant magnet for ...
Green Car Congress (blog)-9 時間前
Toyota Motor Corporation has developed the world's first neodymium-reduced, heat-resistant magnet. Neodymium (Nd) magnets are used in various types of motors such as the high-output motors found in electrified vehicles. The new magnet uses significantly less neodymium, a rare-earth element, and can be used in high-temperature conditions.削除

2018/2/21(水) 午前 8:55ogw*og*3 ]返信する



The newly developed magnet uses no terbium (Tb) or dysprosium (Dy)—rare earths that are also categorized as critical ...削除

2018/2/21(水) 午前 8:56ogw*og*3 ]返信する



Future Efforts. Going forward, Toyota will proceed with further practical use in mind, perform application assessments in motor vehicles, and continue researching and developing technologies with the aim of low-cost, stable production. Toyota expects that the magnets will be put to use in the motors of electric power steering for automobiles and other applications in the first half of the 2020s.


2018/2/21(水) 午前 9:01ogw*og*3 ]返信する



Furthermore, the company will undertake development with the aim of practical application in high-performance electrified vehicle drive motors within the next 10 years.削除

2018/2/21(水) 午前 9:01ogw*og*3 ]返信する



Toyota unveils motor magnet with less scarce metal


2018/2/21(水) 午前 9:24ogw*og*3 ]返信する



June 22, 2017 12:30 pm JST
Shin-Etsu to lift output of rare earth magnets in Vietnam
Rising demand driven by robots, electric vehicles

TOKYO -- Shin-Etsu Chemical aims to double its production of rare earth magnets in Vietnam, attracted by strong demand from clients for the items used in robots as well as the motors of hybrid and electric vehicles.削除

2018/2/21(水) 午前 9:29ogw*og*3 ]返信する

