BZ:W221:S250 CDI (221.003, 221.103)OM651 DE 22:Diesel:

BZ:W221:S250 CDI (221.003, 221.103)OM651 DE 22 Diesel ( ボランティア活動 ) - 車QF - Yahoo!ブログ

BZ:W221:S250 CDI (221.003, 221.103)OM651 DE 22 Diesel

Mercedes BlueEfficiency (OM651) – Injector Problems






コストも増加している。 それは噴射式全般にわたるのだろう。
脆弱なものを含んだ便利な社会に生きていることは3.11でも明らかとなったのだろう。 信じて、疑わないのは、危ういことなのだろう。

2012/3/5(月) 午前 9:32ogw*og*2



Mercedes C Class and E Class BlueEfficiency models (OM651) seem to be afflicted with an injector problem which Mercedes are struggling to resolve.

Update: There has been a lot of interest in this article, and we’ve asked Mercedes a number of questions about the injector issue. They haven’t answered, but you may find the article on Mercedes Injector Problems – the unanswered questions useful.

2012/3/5(月) 午前 9:34ogw*og*2



Cars UK isn’t exactly Watchdog. But when we get a number of comments on the site about problems with a car – and far more emails on the same subject – we tend to sit up and take notice. And that’s where we find ourselves with injector problems on the latest Mercedes BlueEfficiency C-Class and E-Class.

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:31ogw*og*2



We reported back in June last year on the new engines for the C Class BlueEfficiency and said how impressive the figures where. More economical, more powerful and less polluting, they seemed to be another example of how car makers are managing the Holy Grail of more for less with each generation of car.

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:32ogw*og*2



And we had no hesitation in calling the C Class BlueEfficiency a good buy. Mercedes has once more become a car maker to rely on after a decade of chasing profits at the expense of quality. Pre 1995 Mercedes were bullet proof. I ran consecutive S500s and they didn’t miss a heartbeat in a combined 500k miles (well, one lambda probe). And we’d come to the conclusion that Mercedes were now back to where they always were, as makers of extremely desirable, reliable and well-made cars.

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:32ogw*og*2



So it’s sad to see that there is a real problem with the Mercedes BlueEfficiency (OM651). It takes no time at all to undo a hard-won reputation (as Mercedes have already found out once to their cost) and, despite Mercedes’ assurance that they are addressing this problem, Cars UK readers are not convinced. So what do Mercedes say? We asked them for a statement and received the following:

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:33ogw*og*2



“A problem has been identified which is due the manufacture of a small number of faulty diesel fuel injectors by our supplier, which can affect 220 CDI and 250 CDI models of the C-Class and E-Class ranges fitted with the new OM651 engine.

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:34ogw*og*2



“The problem can manifest itself in a number of ways from illumination of the engine warning light; uneven engine running characteristics; or in the worst case, the car entering its “limp home” mode. In “limp home” mode the car remains driveable albeit at a lower speed than in normal use.

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:34ogw*og*2



“As an interim solution, Mercedes-Benz has provided a loan car to the small number of customers affected by more than one failure, and will return the customer’s vehicle once repaired and fully tested by its technical team. This is in addition to the offer of a £250 Mercedes-Benz voucher, or a complimentary first service to each of these customers.

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:35ogw*og*2



“We are working hard with our supplier to ensure provision of sufficient parts so we can replace all the injectors in affected cars, at once. Mercedes-Benz is committed to excellent levels of customer service and takes its responsibilities very seriously.”

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:35ogw*og*2



Which seems commendable and it looks as if the problem is minor and affecting just a small number of cars. But is it? Perhaps in terms of percentage, but it would appear the problem is bigger than Mercedes seem to be admitting.

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:37ogw*og*2



We had one email which told us that when one reader’s C220 broke down with injector problems he was told he would have to wait for parts until the 30 cars at his dealership with the same issues had received their parts. Another reader told us that when his car broke down the mechanic who turned up from Mercedes Assist told him his was the fourth car he’d attended with faulty injectors in the last 24 hours.

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:37ogw*og*2



It would seem the big issue is with parts sourcing. Mercedes use Delphi to supply the injectors and it seems they are unable to source sufficient parts to resolve the issues, with many of our readers reporting their cars off the road for months. True, Mercedes do seem to be offering loan cars to owners who have had more than one injector failure (surely they should be doing it for everyone?).

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:38ogw*og*2



But one reader told us Mercedes supplied him with a VW as a loan car. Are there that many issues with injectors that Mercedes don’t have enough loan cars to go round?

We’re sure Mercedes are doing what they can to resolve this. It is difficult when the parts you need are coming from an outside supplier, but that’s not the customer’s fault or problem. It’s Mercedes’.

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:39ogw*og*2



They can’t conjure injectors out of thin air, but they need to keep their customers better informed. They also need to be giving – even if they have to rent them – a loan car to every customer with this issue.

Mercedes has probably already lost a number of customers over this issue. If they’re not seen to be bending over backwards to help those customers affected they’re in danger of losing not just customers but their reputation – all over again.

And that would be sad.

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:39ogw*og*2



OM 651 ist ein Dieselmotor mit vier Zylindern in Reihe von Mercedes-Benz, der im Oktober 2008 im Modell C 250 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY vorgestellt wurde. Er ist der Nachfolger der OM 646-Baureihe und soll auch die schw??cheren Versionen des OM 642 ersetzen. Er ist keine ??berarbeitung des alten OM 646, sondern eine komplette Neuentwicklung.

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:41ogw*og*2



OM 651 DE 18 LA [Bearbeiten]Verkaufsbezeichnung Baureihe Bauzeitraum
Hubraum: 1796 cm³, Leistung: 80 kW (109 PS) bei 3200–4600/min, Drehmoment: 250 Nm bei 1400–2800/min
B 180 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY W 246 seit 2011
Hubraum: 1796 cm³, Leistung: 100 kW (136 PS) bei 3600–4400/min, Drehmoment: 300 Nm bei 1600–3000/min
B 200 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY W 246 seit 2011

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:43ogw*og*2



OM 651 DE 22 LA red. [Bearbeiten]Verkaufsbezeichnung Baureihe Bauzeitraum
Hubraum: 2143 cm³, Leistung: 70 kW (95 PS) bei 3800/min, Drehmoment: 250 Nm bei 1400–2400/min
Vito 110 CDI W/V 639 seit 2010
Sprinter 210 CDI/310 CDI/510 CDI W 906 seit 2009
Hubraum: 2143 cm³, Leistung: 88 kW (120 PS) bei 2800–4600/min, Drehmoment: 300 Nm bei 1400–2800/min
C 180 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY W/S 204 seit 2010
Hubraum: 2143 cm³, Leistung: 95 kW (129 PS) bei 3800/min, Drehmoment: 305 Nm bei 1200–2400/min

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:45ogw*og*2



Sprinter 213 CDI/313 CDI W 906 seit 2009
Hubraum: 2143 cm³, Leistung: 100 kW (136 PS) bei 2800–3000/min, Drehmoment: 360 Nm bei 1600–2600/min
C 200 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY W/S 204 seit 2009
E 200 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY W/S 212 seit 2009
Viano 2.0 CDI/Vito 113 CDI W/V 639 seit 2010
Hubraum: 2143 cm³, Leistung: 105 kW (143 PS) bei 3200/min, Drehmoment: 350 Nm bei 1200–2800/min
GLK 200 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY X 204 seit 2010

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:45ogw*og*2



OM 651 DE 22 LA [Bearbeiten]Verkaufsbezeichnung Baureihe Bauzeitraum
Hubraum: 2143 cm³, Leistung: 120 kW (163 PS) bei 3800/min, Drehmoment: 360 Nm bei 1400–2400/min
Viano 2.2 CDI/Vito 116 CDI W/V 639 seit 2010
Sprinter 216 CDI/316 CDI/416 CDI/516 CDI W 906 seit 2010

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:47ogw*og*2



Hubraum: 2143 cm³, Leistung: 125 kW (170 PS) bei 3000–4200/min, Drehmoment: 400 Nm bei 1400–2800/min
C 220 CDI BlueEFFICENCY W/S/C 204 seit 2009
GLK 220 CDI BlueEFFFICIENCY X 204 seit 2009
E 220 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY C/A 207 seit 2010
E 220 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY W/S 212 seit 2009

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:48ogw*og*2



Hubraum: 2143 cm³, Leistung: 150 kW (204 PS) bei 4200/min, Drehmoment: 500 Nm bei 1600–1800/min
ML 250 BlueTEC W 166 seit 2011
SLK 250 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY R 172 seit 2012
C 250 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY W/S/C 204 seit 2008
GLK 250 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY X 204 seit 2009
E 250 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY C/A 207 seit 2009
E 250 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY W/S 212 seit 2009
CLS 250 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY C/X 218 seit 2011
S 250 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY W/V 221 seit 2011

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:49ogw*og*2



OM 651 DE 22 LA [Bearbeiten]

S 250 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY W/V 221 seit 2011
Hubraum: 2143 cm³, Leistung: 150 kW (204 PS) bei 4200/min, Drehmoment: 500 Nm bei 1600–1800/min

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:52ogw*og*2



M112E 32 M112E 32 M112E 37 OM646 DE LA OM646 DE LA OM646 DE LA OM646 DE LA OM646 DE LA OM646 DE LA OM642 DE LA OM651 DE 22 LA OM651 DE 22 LA OM651 DE 22 LA OM642 DE LA

2012/3/5(月) 午前 10:57ogw*og*2





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