Hong Kong, Taiwan area etc. Vehicle:Volvo XC90 Model Year:Sep,2006 VIN:YU4C2592561260115 We are the auto diagnostic tool scanner manufacturer for Fcar. Today we have successfully established dealer in America, Africa, Europe, Japan, Middle East.
Fault phenomenon: Car owner said left side Electric rear-view mirror sometimes good and sometimes bad , and occasionally can be used when roads are poor, the owner was forced to adjust the rearview mirror by hand. Fault analysis and inspection: Based on the owner’s description that sometimes good and sometimes bad, there may be line connection loose and poor contact due to damage of adjustment switch, check method as follows:
According to body line analysis, only the door can cause poor contact of electric rear-view mirror line, long floating. Base on analysis, dismantling door skin and left electric rear-view mirror to check the left rearview mirror line, and found left electric rear-view mirror internal line plug corrosion, rust.
After cleaned with rust remover and small blade, install the rear-view mirror option switch for debugging, electric mirrors work properly and then install accessories, door skin, door internal handles and glass lifter switch.
After installation, dismantling parts to confirm whether it is normal, and found the electric door glass cannot work properly, according to the model analysis that this car with glass anti-pinch function, preliminary judgment is anti-pinch function is lost, and need to use manual methods to match:
For door and electric window matching, first turn on ignition switch, and lower glass to bottom and hold switch for 30s. After 30s, raise glass to top and hold switch for 30s, and then wait for a few minutes. After body computer finished adaptive formatting, ignition switch required to be turned off and telephone ignition switch to be turned on, and raise and lower lifter whether normal or not;
⑥スロットルボディー・マフセンサー クリーン
2010/10/31(日) 午後 1:05返信する
kazupi- さん、コメント感謝。
2010/11/15(月) 午前 5:40返信する
Volvo XC90 glass anti-pinch function setting method
Hong Kong, Taiwan area etc.
Vehicle:Volvo XC90
Model Year:Sep,2006
We are the auto diagnostic tool scanner manufacturer for Fcar. Today we have successfully established dealer in America, Africa, Europe, Japan, Middle East.
2015/2/21(土) 午前 8:07返信する
Fault phenomenon:
Car owner said left side Electric rear-view mirror sometimes good and sometimes bad , and occasionally can be used when roads are poor, the owner was forced to adjust the rearview mirror by hand.
Fault analysis and inspection:
Based on the owner’s description that sometimes good and sometimes bad, there may be line connection loose and poor contact due to damage of adjustment switch, check method as follows:
2015/2/21(土) 午前 8:08返信する
According to body line analysis, only the door can cause poor contact of electric rear-view mirror line, long floating. Base on analysis, dismantling door skin and left electric rear-view mirror to check the left rearview mirror line, and found left electric rear-view mirror internal line plug corrosion, rust.
2015/2/21(土) 午前 8:09返信する
After cleaned with rust remover and small blade, install the rear-view mirror option switch for debugging, electric mirrors work properly and then install accessories, door skin, door internal handles and glass lifter switch.
2015/2/21(土) 午前 8:10返信する
After installation, dismantling parts to confirm whether it is normal, and found the electric door glass cannot work properly, according to the model analysis that this car with glass anti-pinch function, preliminary judgment is anti-pinch function is lost, and need to use manual methods to match:
2015/2/21(土) 午前 8:11返信する
For door and electric window matching, first turn on ignition switch, and lower glass to bottom and hold switch for 30s. After 30s, raise glass to top and hold switch for 30s, and then wait for a few minutes. After body computer finished adaptive formatting, ignition switch required to be turned off and telephone ignition switch to be turned on, and raise and lower lifter whether normal or not;
2015/2/21(土) 午前 8:12返信する
if abnormal and fail to raise and lower glass, then please repeat above steps till work normal.
Note: Old models don’t have glass anti-pinch function; only new models with high configuration have this function.
2015/2/21(土) 午前 8:12返信する
2015/2/21(土) 午前 8:17返信する
リコール 外-1978-0 リコール開始日 2013年11月01日
車名/メーカー名 ボルボ 改善箇所説明図
不具合装置 バッテリー
状 況 セントラルエレクトロニックモジュールのソフトウェアが不適切なため、駐車中に大きな待機電流が流れ続ける事で、バッテリー上がりを起こし、エンジンが始動出来ない及びリモートコントロールでドアロックを解除できなくなるおそれがある。
対 策 該当全車両、対策品のソフトウェアに更新し、バッテリーモニタリングセンサーをリセットする。
輸入/製作期間 2013年07月16日 ~ 2013年08月23日 対象台数 77台
車名 型式/型番 通称名 車台番号又はシリアル番号
ボルボ CBA-FB6304T ボルボS60 YV1FS90H6E2275272 ~
2015/8/29(土) 午前 6:56[ ogw*og*3 ]返信する
CBA-BB6304TXC ボルボXC70 YV1BZ90H6E1175297 ~ YV1BZ90H6E1175691
2015/8/29(土) 午前 6:59[ ogw*og*3 ]返信する
2017/1/26(木) 午前 2:48[ ogw*og*3 ]返信する