VW:Passat:FSI:3C:2006MY:ESP:The brake disc wiper:three chains driven:
The timing is made up by three chains driven by the crankshaft toothed gears module: -One chain for driving the camshafts. The existing down gearing drives the camshafts at half the rotation speed of the crankshaft, -One chain for driving the balance shafts. The existing down gearing drives the balance shafts at twice the rotation speed of the crankshaft, -One chain for driving the oil pump. The chains used are of new design, metallic and mainte- nance free. The operation principle is very similar to the one used for driving the conventional type of belts.
Also, these chains are more noiseless, have a much higher performance and greater flexibility than the chains being used up o now. They also transfer the same amount of torque with a thinner chain. For optimum guiding and tension of the chains several polyamid plastic guides and three tensioners have been used: -An hydraulic tensioner for driving the camshafts. To remove it you need to lock the tensioner piston by using special tool T40011, -A mechanic tensioner for driving the balance shafts. The tensioner is screwed onto the block and lubri- cated with oil, -A mechanic tensioner for driving the oil pump. Spe- cial tool T40011 has to be used for locking it.
To set the timing, the marks on the toothed gears must coincide with the three darker links on the two chains. There are darker links only on one side of the chain in order to guarantee a single assembly position.
FSI Fuel Stratified Injection A technique used in the VW Group engines to inject fuel at a pressure of over 100 bar directly into the combus- tion chamber.
The brake disc wiper
A film of water may form on the brake disc in severe
rain or if the road is wet, for example; this reduces the
coefficient of friction between the brake disc and the
brake pads on braking. As a result, the braking effect
is temporarily changed until the water film is
dissipated by frictional heat.
This is combated by the new function in the ESP system
2013/3/6(水) 午前 2:53
the brake disc wiper.
Brake pressure
15 wheel revolutions
End of
5 min
< 2 bar
The trailer's pendulum movements are passed on to
the towing vehicle. This leads to yawing moments and
lateral forces which are detected by the yaw rate
sender and the steering angle sender and are
processed in the ESP control unit.
The vehicle/trailer's instability is combated by
building up pressure in the system and actuating
individual valves in the ESP hydrau
2013/3/6(水) 午前 2:54
golf-diary.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-03-18 - キャッシュ
2009/03/19 – TOYOTA式プッシュスタートではブレーキを踏まないとエンジンがかかりませんが、 パサートはキーを押すだけでエンジン始動でき ... 電動パーキングブレーキ。 ... ゴルフV のGT-TSIのホイールサイズ、ワタシの方が正確につかんでましたし・・・。
2013/3/6(水) 午前 2:56
2013/3/6(水) 午前 3:05
2013/3/6(水) 午前 3:48
Guided intake
The guided intake system used is similar to the one on
the 2.0l TFSI engine, although with some changes.
The intake flaps have anew cup-shape design, which
contributes to improved sealing and absorbed air flow.
The intake flaps inside the inlet manifold tubes are
assembled in an offset way, which together with the
new design of the flaps allows eliminating any obstacle
to the passage of air when the flaps are completely
2013/3/6(水) 午前 3:50
When the flaps are closed, the incoming air flows to the
upper part of the Tumble plate, improving the mix and
therefore the exhaust gases composition.
The flaps are regulated by a two position solenoid valve
that activates a mechanical actuator.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 3:51
The mechanical
actuator rotates a metal shaft to which the four flaps are
attached to. A potentiometer, placed at the far end of
the shaft informs the engine control unit about the posi-
tion of the flaps.
The intake flaps are open at over 3000 r.p.m. Below
3000 r.pm. they are closed, that is, at rest.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 3:51
Air passage
BZB engine blow-by vapours ven-
The main differences between the BYT engine and its evo-
lution, the BZB engine, are to be found in the sump blow-
by vapours ventilation system.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 6:51
All the components hat make up this system have been
modified in the BZB engine in order to reduce the height
and dimensions of the engine. Having a more compact
engine makes it possible to fit it longitudinally or trans-
versely in the vehicles. It also allows for greater bonnet
deformation, thus reducing damage to pedestrians in the
event of running over.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 6:54
Air mass meter G70
The new air mass meter uses the “hot film with ebb”
technique, and measures the air mass intake by means
of a partial flow (bypass).
2013/3/6(水) 午前 7:01
The engine control unit receives a modulated frequency
digitalised signal. Once the frequency of the input sig-
nal is calculated, the engine control unit consults the
intake air mass associated to that frequency in a memo-
rised characteristic curve. The range of frequencies can
oscillate between 1200 Hz for a kg/hr. air mass, up to
3900 Hz for a 640 kg/hr. air mass.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 7:02
Replacement function
In the event of lack of signal from the air mas meter, the
engine control unit will use the gas butterfly throttle
position sensors G187 and G188.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 7:03
1 - Output signal
2 - GND
3 - Supply voltage
4 - NTC (-)
5 - NTC (+)
Air temperature sensor G299
2013/3/6(水) 午前 7:06
Air temperature sensor G299
The 1.8l TFSI engine air mass meter G70 i9ncorporates
inside an air temperature sensor made up by an NTC
type of resistor and an electronics in charge of convert-
ing the sensor’s reading into a digital signal at the out-
put of the sensor.
This sensor informs the engine control unit about the
air temperature at the engine intake in order to calcu-
late the volume of fresh air taken in.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 7:07
Replacement function
In the event of lack of signal, the engine control unit
uses the temperature value memorised during the last
driving cycle. For safety, it activates the fans at maxi-
mum speed.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 7:08
Lamba sensor G39
A new feature of the MED 17.5 management system is
the elimination of the continuous measuring lambda
probe. The 1.8l TFSI engin
e is equipped with a conven-
tional or stepped regulation lambda probe, between
the pre-catalyst and the catalyst.
The function
the continuous lambda probe used to
carry out has been replaced by values memorised
in the
engine control unit. These values are the result of the
tests carried out during the development phase of the
2013/3/6(水) 午前 7:09
The engine maintains the lambda mixture composition
equal to one in all the engine performance modes,
except in cold start.
The lambda probe Z19 heating is in charge of making
the probe reach its operation temperature very fast.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 7:09
Potentiometer for the inlet man-
ifold flaps G336
It is placed at the end of the inlet manifold flaps activa-
tion shaft, on the timing side.
The potentiometer only informs about two positions,
flaps open or closed, because the control unit does not
take into account the intermediate positions.
The engine control unit uses this signal to know the
state of operation of the guided intake system.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 7:11
Replacement function
If the signal is not present, the engine control unit inter-
rupts the energising of the inlet manifold flaps control
solenoid valve N316, and leaves the flaps in the at rest
position, that is, closed.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 7:11
Sensors and actuators
Injection solenoid valves N30 -
The new injectors used in the 1.8l TFSI engine have six
fuel output drills and inject fuel in six conic jets at a 50??
output angle (in the 2.0l TFSI engine the injection is car-
ried out through a single drill and at a 10?? output angle).
This new design allows for better mix preparation
inside the combustion chamber.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 7:17
These measures contribute to reducing hydrocarbons
emissions, generating of soot, and oil dilution. Also, the
tendency to knocking is also reduced.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 7:18
The injectors, as with the previous direct injection
engines, have been designed in order to carry out a dou-
ble injection, at intake and at compression, in order to
rapidly increase the temperature of the catalyst.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 7:37
The mode of activation of the injectors has not been
modified, they are energised at an approximate voltage
of 65 volts.
Once the injector needle has lifted, it is enough to apply
a pulse energising voltage of approximately 15 volts in
order to keep it open.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 7:38
Replacement function
In the event of a fault, the engine control unit detects the
problem because of detecting ignition faults and cuts off
any energising to it.
Sensors and actuators
In the BZB engine the 6 injection drills are off-
set, which means a change of the injection cloud
2013/3/6(水) 午前 7:39
However, the N276 holds it slightly open so that there is
a small leak of fuel to the low pressure circuit. In spite of
the piston generating a pressure increase inside, the
leak of fuel does not allow for the pressure to overcome
the pressure in the distributor rail thus guaranteeing
that the AuV remains closed
2013/3/6(水) 午前 7:56
-Pump piston in drive stroke.
-The N276 gets a brief current pulse from the engine
control unit.
-The N276 needle goes back and the EiV closes.
-Because of the upwards movement of the piston, the
pressure in the lifting chamber increases immedi-
-As soon as the pressure inside the chamber over-
comes the pressure in the high pressure passage, the
AuV opens and the pressure inside the fuel distribu-
tor rail increases.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 7:57
-Pump piston in drive stroke.
-Fuel flows to the distributor rail until the piston
begins its suction stroke.
-N276 without any current being applied.
-EiV closed until, in the suction stroke, the pressure
in the lifting chamber is lower to the force of the
spring of the N276.
-AuV open until, in the suction stroke, the lifting
chamber pressure is lower than the pressure in the
distributor rail.
-Next one cylinder injection takes place.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 7:58
Variable Timing
The purpose of the variable timing is to achieve an opti-
mum engine torque for the different engine running
phases, improved running smoothness and quality of
exhaust gases.
The variable timing acts on the inlet camshaft and can
outphase it 30??, which is like saying 60?? in relation to
the crankshaft.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 7:59
Engine control unit
The control unit uses the signals from the air mass
meter G70 and form the engine revs sensor G28, as
basic signals for calculating the desired advance, and
the coolant temperature sensor, G62, signal as a cor-
rection signal. The Hall sensor, G40, signal is used as
feedback information in order to know the position of
the inlet camshaft.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 8:02
The position of the variator is defined by the variable
timing solenoid valve, N205, which is controlled by the
engine control unit with a fixed frequency and variable
duty cycle period signal.
After engine stop, the variator is blocked at the delay
position. This function is carried out by means of a lock-
ing pin under the pressure of a spring. The system
unlocks when the oil pressure overcomes 0.5 bar.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 8:03
The variator is made up by a rotor, a stator, an oil pres-
sure distributor valve and a locking pin. The rotor is
welded to the inlet cams and the stator activates the tim-
ing chain directly. The distributor valve is screwed to
the camshaft anticlockwise. The new special tool
T10352 is needed to remove the valve.
Depending on the magnetic field, the solenoid valve
induced N205 pushes the distributor valve and opens
the oil passage to the corresponding variator chamber.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 8:04
With the engine idling, or at revs below 1800 rpm and
low load demand, the engine control unit does not ener-
gise the variable timing solenoid valve and the variator
remains in the ’at rest’ position.
Air mass meter
Engine revs sensor
Coolant temperature sensor G62
Hall sensor G4
2013/3/6(水) 午前 8:07
When the engine is running at over 1800 rpm and with
load demand, the control unit modifies the inlet cam-
shaft position by advancing the moment of opening and
closing the valves to optimise fill-up of cylinders.
The camshaft adjusting takes place by taking as a refer-
ence the family of features stored in the engine control
In the event of a system fault, the camshaft remains in
the delay position reducing the engine torque.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 8:11
PWM signal
Relay J271
Distributor valve
Locking pin
Variable timing solenoid valve
2013/3/6(水) 午前 8:15
Functions wiring diagram
Brake switches
Fuel pump.
Engine revs sensor.
Inlet manifold pressure sensor.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 8:18
Lamba Probe.
Hall sensor.
Intake air temperature sensor.
Knock sensor
Coolant temperature sensor.
Air mass meter
Accelerator position sensor 1.
Coolant temperature sensor at the radiator output.
Accelerator position sensor 2.
Butterfly acuator
Butterfly sensor 1
2013/3/6(水) 午前 8:19
Butterfly sensor 2
Fuel high pressure sensor
Intake air temperature sensor 2.
Inlet manifold flap potentiometer.
Clutch pedal position sensor.
ABS control unit.
Relay for the after cooling closed circuit.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 8:20
Engine control unit.
Airbag control unit.
Supply relay.
Instrument panel control unit.
Fans control unit.
On-board network control unit.
Steering column control unit.
Fuel pump control unit.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 8:20
Engine components supply relay.
Injection solenoid valves.
Cylinder 1 to 4 ignition transformers.
Over-boost pressure limiter solenoid
Carbon active system solenoid.
Variable timing solenoid valve.
Turbocharger air recirculation solenoid valve.
Fuel pressure regulator solenoid
Inlet manifold flaps control solenoid valve
2013/3/6(水) 午前 8:22
Main fan for the coolant.
Coolant post-circulation pump.
Secondary fan for the coolant.
Lamba probe heating.
Input signal.
Output signal.
Positive supply.
K diagnosis line.
CAN-Bus signal.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 8:23
Input signal.>G
Output signal.>L
Positive supply.>R
K diagnosis line.>L/G
CAN-Bus signal.>Or
-GRA on/off speed regulator.
-Speed signal.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 8:26
Fuel Stratified Injection
A technique used in the VW Group engines to inject fuel
at a pressure of over 100 bar directly into the combus-
tion chamber.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 8:43
EOBD System
European On Board Diagnose System
System for diagnosis and control of the exhaust gases
polluting emissions that all the vehicles registered from
the year 2005 in the European Union must comply with
in 2005. The EOBD is standard for all vehicles and at
the same time it is a check up and control point for the
inspection authorities.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 9:47
An overboosted engine has a pressure in the inlet mani-
fold which is higher than atmospheric pressure,
achieved by using a turbine or blower fan.
Lamba Probe
A sensor that measures the existing oxygen ratio in the
exhaust gases. It is part of a regulation system, its main
component being the engine control unit that is in
charge of making the best air and petrol mixture in
order to prevent polluting emissions in the exhaust
gases as a result of poor combustion.
2013/3/6(水) 午前 9:48
Fracture joint
Cold fractured conrod big ends during manufacturing,
which improves the contact surfaces of both contact
2013/3/6(水) 午後 2:03
THE PASSAT - Volkswagen UK
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2014/3/23(日) 午前 9:05
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2014/3/23(日) 午前 9:10