VW:GOLF4:WVWZZZ1JZ1P0360**:0227100211:4D0905351:IG-P-Tr:MIY: 2001MY
0 227 100 211 4D0 905 351
out put stage 5P>4P
4D0 905 351を含む#3系統を点検中
経過の過程で、回路の波形確認をメインにDST2が利用可能だったのでそれで今回は行った。 結果は添付図のようで、さらに別な確認手段は不要ではあった。 DST2でオシロ画面が5つしか記録できなかった。 これは連続での作業では不便で、身近にPCを用意して 対応する必要がある。 今回はデジカメも併用しての対応でしのいだ。次回はPCを準備して対応しよう。
B社のデータ保存が、画面キャプチャのみの機種もあったのはがっかりしたが、DST2も今回利用した範囲では、似た状況ではあった。 兎も角今回の確認作業には使えたのでよしとすべきだろう。
Ignition Control Unit
Avoid misfires and other engine issues and replace the ingition control unit
The ignition control module is operated by the Powertrain Control Module, the PCM tells the ignition control module when to energize the coils to enable spark.
If the wires connected to the ignition module are damaged, the vehicle may not start. The engine may sputter and turn
2011/6/26(日) 午前 6:15返信する
Bosch 0 227 100 211 4-Channel Ignition Control with MicroSquirt
2011/6/26(日) 午前 6:28返信する
Bosch 0 227 100 211
1 227 100 212
Audi 4D 0905 351
Beru 0040401028
Lucas DAJ124
Magneti-Marelli 940 038 536
Huco 13 8055
Hella 5DA 006623771
VHitachi DIS408
2011/6/26(日) 午前 6:29返信する
VW Passat 1.8 20v Mis-Fire - chriss
{Moved from Discussion. DD}
I have been having trouble with my passat 1.8 20V turbo 1997 R plate, about a week ago I was doing the home run from work stopped once, and when i started again the engine was juddering, rather like a mis-fire.
2011/6/26(日) 午前 7:57返信する
I got home and took each plug off each coil to see which one it was. I found that it was piston 2 which was not firing, as a result i changed the spark plug, but it was still the same.
I then changed around the two of the coils still the same. I have since call out a mobile tuning / diagnostics company, but he could not find the problem on his scanner.
2011/6/26(日) 午前 7:59返信する
I have since checked the wiring from the coil plug back to the air flow module and from the module back to the ECU, the result being that i have good continuity through the wiring. Does this problem sound like ECU or air flow module. Can any body help?
2011/6/26(日) 午前 7:59返信する
VW Passat 1.8 20v Mis-Fire - Andrew Moorey (Tune-Up)
Agree with elekie, you have done the detective work by substituting a known good coil and the fault stays on the same pot. I would just check the compression on this cylinder to be certain before shelling out on a new amp.
2011/6/26(日) 午前 8:02返信する
Surprised your diagnostic man couldnt find the problem, possibly too much reliance on fault codes being the be-all and end-all of diagnostics much like the main agents instead of pinpoint testing the inputs and outputs directly on an oscilloscope. I have had an instance of this problem on a 1.8 20v golf and it had lost a switching output from the amp.
Simplicate and add lightness!!
2011/6/26(日) 午前 8:02返信する
Hi Elekie. can these amplifiers be bought second hand / refurbed £180 is a lot to pay.Also are they hard to find on the air box,as i hav'nt got a clue what they look like. i will also have a look around a couple breakers yards, thanks for your advice.
2011/6/26(日) 午前 8:03返信する
It is a small device ,approx 7cm/5cm ,usually made by Bosch.Part no.0227 100 211,fixed to air intake housing by 2 screws.There are 2 connectors attached to it;one is a 4 pin .the other is a 5 pin.
2011/6/26(日) 午前 8:04返信する
Thanks to you all for your help, i will do some investigation into price etc. i will let you know the out come. thank again.
2011/6/26(日) 午前 8:05返信する
Hi mate, hows it going, after your advice i have done some investigation, and i had quotes for around £120 from VW, second hand around £35, Today i had a good find though, i think, i came across a Audi A4 1.8T, the parts look very similar, with the 5pin and 4pin plugs, but this one has been made by Hitachi.
2011/6/26(日) 午前 8:07返信する
The part numbers on the Amp look very similar,the amp was not displaying the 0227100211 part No. but there was another No 2D0 905 351, and on my part it shows a 4 instead of the 2. Do you think this is the same part but just another manufacturer, should i risk putting it on the car or not.
2011/6/26(日) 午前 8:08返信する
当方のスタンスとしてはテスト用に安価に入手して、最終的には新品でのリスク回避が望ましいと感じている。 昨今の交通事情ではリスク回避が最優先される。 もし、安易な対応すると、事業の破綻にもつながる。 まだ身近な事例は聞いてないが、慎重な対応が望ましいのだろう。
2011/6/28(火) 午後 6:40返信する
2011/10/6(木) 午前 2:48返信する
平成8年6月登録(正規ディーラーで購入)ゴルフ?①~?垉?¥77,000km エンジンADZ(1,8L)
2012/3/2(金) 午後 5:04返信する